Monday, May 22, 2023

Session 17 - What's that noise!! -20 Nov 22


  • The Pcs continued explore the castle and decided to head towards the southern tower
  • The party then decided to explore the doors behond them to ensure there were no other orcs or goblins behind them.
    • The found a large room that looked like it was used as a church.
    • As they went thru the room, above them lurked 2 Kricks that were guarding the area
    • Battle Ensued...killing the two monsters
    • Exploring the room, Jebus found a golden statue in the water fountain under some coal.
  • The next area in the castle found an alter; as the party went to invesitage, 6 goblins were hiding under the rubble
    • Another Battle ensued killing the goblins
  • The party then went into towards t he SE corner of the castle
    • There was a large door with a barricade over the large door to the S.
    • After Snip listened to the door and heard a moaning sound, they strarted to lift up the wood blocking the door.
    • As Vermin and Snip lifted the bar, an Owlbear crashed out knocking over Vermin
      • Battle ensued, but Rolan noticed the Owlbear was hungry and threw food.
      • As the creature ate the food, More party members also threw food to make a trail towards the rear door.
      • They were able to send the owlbear back to the wild, but not before Rolan tried to ride it out.
  • After the owlbear left, the party searched the tower and found a few items and 2 chests
    • Once chest had money and some magic scrolls
    • The other chest was oddly colored red and green
      • Inside was a crystal candy cane with gold stripes.
  • Once Jax touched the cane, a thunderous ROAR boomed thru the tower as a howling wind stormed into the area, picking everyone up and sucking the whole party into the chest...
    • A winterous howl and snow was last seen as the players heard a 'Ho ho ho..' laugh in thier heads as they fell into a winter storm falling down...

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Session 30 - The Battle vs The Black Spider

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