- Kelvar lead the group out of the city of Neverwinter and to a dark wizards tower about 2 miles S of the city along the coastline. He explained a buyer wanted the tower, but needed the players to get those items out. Anything else inside they could keep as payment, plus some small fee.
- After a strange entrance way - whispering 'Whats the Password..' the party entered the tower
- The group found a dining room and kitchen (with a couple of large Rats eating old food)
- Searched library bookcases, Jebus found 4 magic books (20gp each)
- they then found secret Door behind the book case
- Investigated the stairs down and found the sliding step trap
- Found the Armory and 2 rust monsters inside
- Found Dagger +1
- Shield +1
- Mithril Chain Shirt +1
- Found treasure room
- Mirror Puzzle with two hidden chests
- Found 27gp each
- Silver Sword for Kelvar
- Cloak of Protection - Jebus
- Ring - undetermined, but later was found to be a Ring of Jumping
- The party then went to second floor
- Battled 2 SHADOWS after entering the hallway
- Discovered guest bedroom
- 2 beds and dresser
- 2 grey oozes attacked from bathroom
- Discovered master bedroom
- Psudodragon found inside, hiding and befriended the party.
- The party then decided to go outside to rest and clear the tower in the morning...
NPCs Met:
- None
Places visited
- Nothing new
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