- PCs had the rest of the castle to explore and look for the missing dwarf.
- Early in the AM, Snip and Rolan heard some noise coming from the NE forest area - sounds of a large group of things walking
- Woke the party up; Fysi and Bez sent their owl and psudodragon to scout - saw a dozen Hobgoblins coming towards tower.
- Party gathered things and left before they arrived. Rolan left caltrops by door to slow down group just encase.
- Group left and head towards Phandlin; came across a train of wagons heading west. Convinced Merchants to give a ride back to Phandelin.
- Once arrived, Party was paid 500g for clearing castle and another 25g each for rescuing Craglin.
- Bez got note from tower to return - found news on missing sister.
- Thena wondered thru town and found a farmer/ orchard owner - He told her about a story of a group of prospectors that were working in the hills and were scared of some undead around the Old Owl Well area - which use to be a magical tower.
- Group rested at inn and left in the morning to return back to the tower.
- LEVEL 4 (3 days)
- Bez and Snip left to investigate the rumors of his missing sister.
- Redwood , a druid from unknown regions and member of the Harpers, arrived to rejoin group
- Doc Northwood, a Harper and user of the blackpowder, arrived to join group
- Several PCs did some research and worked on stuff
- Created spell scrolls, new armor, spent coin on items and equipment
- Preparing to leave on Thursday AM
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