- Group advanced to LEVEL 2 after two days of rest and training.
- Group was Hired to take 2 wagons of mining equipment to Phandalin and meet up with Gundren. Get paid 20 g each total.
- Harpers wanted to keep an eye on the events going on; rumor of an ancient power was discovered and want to make sure it doesnt fall into evil hands if it turns out to be something important
- Day 3- uneventful; Day 3 evening - two riders were looking for an escaped convict (1/2 orc M fighter)
- Day 4- Was attacked/ ambushed by Goblin bandits early evening
- 5 bowmen; 3 wolf riders - 3 goblins got away.
- Group decided to continue to town and get the wagons off the road before it got too dark.
- Made it to Phandalin; turned in the wagons for payment and went to the Inn to get a room
- Inn had 10 rooms available; got meals and turned in for the night
- All Males went to bed; Fysi and Thena went back downstairs to get a drink and talk to locals
NPCs Met:
- Tower Staff
- listed on sheet
- Gundren Rockseeker -Dwarf Mining expert- hired the group to take supplies to town
- Sildar Hallwinter,human male of nearly fifty years (Agent of the Lords’ Alliance); escort for Gundren
- Townspeople:
- Toblen Stonehill: Innkeeper
- Elmar Barthen: Owns the trading post;
- Elsa, a gossipy barmaid
Places visited
- Tower
- Phandalin
- Inn
- Mining Store
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