Monday, May 22, 2023

Session 7- Clear the Cave - 8 May 22

 Start/Highlights: (4 hours gametime)

  • After a quick discussion, the party decided to take a short rest
    • Goblins tried to convince the party to go the other way
  • 1hr later, the party went towards the goblis closest and found a Bug bear leader, 4 goblins and his pet Owlbear.
    • Battle ensued, which almost killed Thena and Rolan.
      • Thena used a spell to make the Owlbear become fearful vs her and gave the party a chance to take it out.
    • The leader escaped almost dead, down towards the inner cave to the rest of the goblins.
    • Victorious, the party healed and found the missing cargo from the Lionshield Coaster and misc items labled for Phandelin.
  • Low on spells and health, the party pushed forward, hoping to find the missing Dwarf and Human.
  • They found the sleeping area of the goblins and the missing human, as well as a larger goblin which just killed its leader.
    • After a failed negotiation, battle ensued, during which 3 goblins were put to sleep.
  • Victorious, the party found and stabilized Sildar Hallwinter and tied up the goblins before they came to.

NPCs Met:
  • Sildar Hallwinter - human male of nearly fifty years who holds a place of honor in the famous griffon cavalry of the great city of Waterdeep. He is an agent of the Lords’ Alliance

Places visited
  • Cragmaw Cave Hideout.

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