The party continued to fight the Ghouls and the Ghasts in the Great Cavern area...
- One Ghast dropped down on Jax and knocked him out.
- After that round, a couple more undead came from the other side of the room and attacked.
- Eventually, the players defeated the rest of the undead here and looted the area, finding nothing of significance.
Once done, the party was wounded, low on spells and feeling exhausted. To continue, it was decided to take a short rest in the Ruined Storage Room since several members were wounded or knocked down.
The party then decided to move to the north east corner passageway from the Great Cavern area to come across another large room with a forge, a smelter cavern. Jax went ahead to scout quietly to come back to report several zombies (Dwarven and Orc) along with a green glowing light circling about the cavern room, but could not make out what it was...
After further discussion as to what to do, it was decided to send Roland ahead to see what the green light was. Upon entering the space, he tripped, fell and dropped some of his arrows on the ground, making a loud noise, which the green light in the ceiling area started cackling yelling " INTRUDERS! KILL THEM!" as the zombies turned, moaning in hunger...
Combat ensued with Several zombies and a Flameskull laughing in the air ..
- The party was in the hall way between the two room as Roland ran back in...
- Several ranged attacks were made while Redwood created vines and ivy to appear in the walkway between them and the zombies....
- Right after the vines, the Flame skull cast a spell to make it appear blurry, but then cast Fireball, engulfing the group with fire damaging everyone...
- Several zombies were killed, but soon were attacking the party..
- Meanwhile, the Flameskull started to cast fire beams out of its eyes, burning several characters.
- Now entering the space, creating distance between themselves and the skull, still flying around the room..The Flame skull continued shooting beams of fire out its eyes... Almost knocking Fysi and Roland out..
- With the Skull still out of melee range, Fysi let off a perfect barrage of magic missiles...
- Eventually, the killing shot knocked the skull to the ground, its fire going out.
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