Monday, May 22, 2023

Session 12- The Green Dragon - 14 Aug 22


  • It's been 18 days since the group first met outside the Iron Flaggon Inn....
  • The group found the druid  Reidoth in a well kept house in the old town of Thundertree.
    • Discussion was had in that he was here to warn travelers to stay away while he tends to the forest to the East.
    • A green dragon moved into the tower 2-3 weeks ago and seemed to have made a home there.
    • Also, a group of cloaked men is on the East side of town moved in a week ago, possibly treasure hunters.
    • He knows the location of the Cragmaw Castle in the forest and can mark it on a map for the players.
    • HE can help the players get to the Wave Echo Cave, but only if they remove the dragon from the tower.

  • The players then decided to approach the masked men in the East of town
    • Rolan met up with the Cloaked men; turns out they are dragon hunters (Favrik)
    • agreed and Rolan discussed its intentions and turns out they both agreed to attack the dragon and split the loot in the AM since the green dragon liked to hunt in the night time.
  • The party then discussed this with Reidoth and came to terms
  • In the AM, both parties met up and discussed a strategy to try and flush out the dragon from the tower.
    • Unfortunately for the party, the dragon also heard this conversation and hid in the rafters of the tower
  • Both parties sent three members into the tower
    • Verm Thena and Rolan went in.
  • Once inside, the dragon attacked
    • During the fight, Favrik went in to negotiate with the green dragon
      • Unknown to the party, the true intent was to serve the dragon, but unfortunately for him, Rolan overhead the conversation and quickly killed him with an arrow thru the head
      • Thena challenged the dragon to a dual, forcing him to come down to ground level.
        • the fight continued with the dragon on the ground..
      • After a second breath attack, the party was in dire straits, but a few final hits forced the dragon out of its home...but not before a few final words from the dragon...
  • Once gone, the remaining Dragon Cultist decided to pack up and leave the area, telling the party they would never see them again...
  • The party then looted the tower and found 800 sp, 180 gp, eight silver goblets set with moonstones (60 gp each), a scroll of misty step, and a scroll of lightning bolt.
  • Snip found a sword [+1] with an inset blue moonstone in the hilt
    • The sword glows moonlight for 10' radius when revealed
    • On a 19/20 hit, does an additional 1D6 lightning damage.
  • The group then took a short rest to heal and recover from the fight before deciding what to do next....
NPCs met:
  • Dragon Cultist and leader, Favrik
  • Reidoth (Human Druid) is a gaunt, white-bearded human who doesn’t use two words when one word will do
Places visited:
  • South Tower
  • Thundertree (Old Town)

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