- It has been 19 game days since the first meeting in Neverwinter.
- After a long rest, the next day, party decided to head towards the location the Druid set on the map for Cragmaw Castle.
- Later that day, Found the small city or Helm's Hold, a walled town with a large tower which can be seen for miles - Helms Hold (God HELM).
- Reidoth told party he would meet them at Stonetavern Inn in a week to take them to the Wave Echo Cave.
- Party entered town and made way to Stables (2sp/night for horse)
- INNs:
- Hungary Flame - Middle/upper class Inn/tavern. 1gp/night. 6 rooms
- Ran by Sylfir (M Elf) ('excuse me..")
- Fysi and Thena got last two rooms
- Dirty Ol Dwarf - Common Tavern and Inn
- Rest of the Party got rooms (6sp/night)
- Ran by Kharissa Anuvier
- Whop/Hammer/Axe/Beef are help
- Party then set off to explore the town
- Found Marketplace
- Found various venders/traveling sales wagons; one with a magical tent
- "Curious & Wonderous Things of Faerun"
- Tent moves town to town on a daily basis
- Found Armor-smith, Boyer and Weapon-smith
- Jebus, Rolen and Jax
- Found the Helms Hold
- Bez and Snip
- Talked w paladins there
- Bez gave hammer and 150g to make a blessed weapon
- sir percivil; brother sodir
- Thena and Fysi had dinner at Hungary Flame
- Met with Merchant (Kidor Kursik- Magic n Things) and discussed some various topics
- After 6, party met up at the Dirty Ol Dwarf
- Snip noticed someone at an adjacent table
- Jebus and Jax went to try and gamble up money with magic items
- Was politely turned down
- PCs were finishing up dinner when we adjourned
NPCs met:
- Reidoth (Human Druid) is a gaunt, white-bearded human who doesn’t use two words when one word will do
- Townfolk of Helms Hold
Places visited:
- South Tower
- Thundertree (Old Town)
- Helms Hold
- Hungary Flame
- Dirty Ol Dwarf
- Helms Hold Cathedral
- Merchant district
- Weapon Shop
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