Monday, May 22, 2023

Session 25 - Into the Cave - 21 May 23


  • The party decided to head down the pit and into the northern portion of the cave.
  • After climbing down, Jax and Jebus discovered the tunnels in the N portion found the hallways to be covered with drawings on the wall, which were only 6 feet high.
    • The floor tiles were each 3 feet square and had a large symbol on them - circle, square, triangle or (Homebase) pentagon shape.
    • Jebus sent his 'dog' out and it was shot by an arrow when stepping on the triangle
    • Fysi then came thru and used mage hand to push down on some other tiles, but was inconclusive to see what was what..
    • After a quick repair, Jebus sent dog out again and used the mage hand to push down on a square tile, which was a trap door going into the floor 10 feet.
    • After some consideration, Jax used the map and folded it to show the pentagon shapes were the SAFE map after some map folding tricks.
  • Once the party made this discovery, they let Jax lead the way and investigate the tunnels.
  • After about an hour of carefully walking thru, the party discovered a door. Once opened, a group of Ghouls inside attacked

    • Battle insured, discovering the ghouls can paralyze on attacks and were also immune to poison.
    • In the middle of the fight, Flint was grabbed from under by a Jelly/ooze light creature and pulled up the wall.
    • The creature was slow but massive. The party was almost done with the ghouls when he was taken.
    • Redwood changed to a large spider and used his web to attach to Flint, just as the rest of the party helped out and defeated the jelly.

  • Once defeated the room was found to be a sort of barracks once used for the dwarves here.
  • After more exploration, the party came into a large chamber with upper levels and a 30' ceiling.
    • After some usage of Find Magic, continued exploration noticed scrapping sounds on the upper levels.
  • Jax jumped up to the upper ledge with his light to discover more ghouls and a larger undead creature - a Ghast.
    • Battle ensued - and while that was underway, another smaller group of Ghouls came from the opposite side to attack...
  • We are in round 4 of battle when the party is continuing.

Session 24 - Finding the Wave Echo Cave - 7 May 23


  • he party decided to head to Phandelin to meet up with the dwarf, Gundren.
  • At middays journey the party found 2 humans setting up a camp and challenged the group to a game of skill - archery
    • The group won some gold
  • Once arriving in Phandelin, the party broke into smaller areas to finish business.
    • Some sold items in the camp, some talked with the tons folks and eventually made way to the inn.
  • The group rested overnight, then left to the cave in the morning.
  • Once arrived in the area, they found a side entrance to the Wave echo cave
  • After a quick puzzle, the party came upon an internal dug-out area
  • Fysi sent her owl into the holes at the bottom of the entrance to see some tunnels and what looked like an entrance to the ancient cave, when something attacked the owl and made it disappeared.
  • The party now needs to decide on what to do....

Session 23 - Battle at Old Owl Well - 23 Arp 23

 After firing the first shot, battle ensued

  • Undead zombies, Skeletons and 2 Undead Ogres came for the party
    • As they staggered towards the party location, Thena blew the horn of Wintermas, giving the party 6 rounds of advantage and the undead disadvantage
    • Then She cast Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy - on one of the undead Ogres, holding it in place and afraid to attack for 10 rounds, which the rest of the group advanced.
    • Fysi then cast - ENLARGE on Vermin- making him a large creature and added range and damage to his attacks.
    • after several rounds of combat, the advantage of the horde was slowly whittled away
      • Redwood turned into a direwolf, then attacked with his sumoned Giant Elk, killing swaths of undead.
      • The ranged members - Flint, Jax and Roland, continued to pour ranged arrows, bullets and bolts into the battle doing massive damage.
      • Verminaard and Thena stepped up to become a magnet of attraction for the undead as they continued to attack.
    • At last, the undead were killed and dispatched.
    • Searching the area, the Wizard of Thay was killed and bleed out.
      • The Party found some loot in the tent, which included a Ring of "InnVisibility" and Ring of Protection.
      • Also a few potions and treasure were found and given to the party by Jebus.
    • The Party decided to take a short rest around midday before deciding what to do......

Session 22- Agatha's Lair & Old Owl Well/Tower - 23 Apr 23

  • The party decided to head to Agatha's Lair to investigate the lair and see if the bracelet would help sister Garelan
    • On the road a group of bounty hunters was looking for a half elf - Zaos Halfsword, a bounty of 50g was out for the capture. the PCs talked w the captain and no fight occured
      • That evening, the players found the abandoned town of Conyberry and the trail heading up the hills towards the cemetery.
        • Once arrived, there was a large domed structure to the east side and a cemetery to the west side, with several graves recently disturbed.
          • Upon entering the structure (Thena, Jebus and Jax), Agatha appeared from the ground. 
            • Thena asked the question about the book after presenting the bracelet, of which was answered - she traded the book to a necromancer named Tsernoth from the city of Iriaebor more than a hundred years ago. She does not know what became of the book afterward. She then disappeared and asked the group to leave her.. 
          • The players left and made it back to camp; Flynt went hunting and found deer nearby for a dinner. 
          • The next day, the players left towards the direction of the Old Owl Well, which was told to be an ancient tower of elven decent.
            • The party found a mass of undead walking in a circle around the tower with a red tent in the middle of the area. 
              • After setting up defensive positions in a tree line, the party started to shoot at the zombies walking around. 
              • Shortly after, a red wizard popped his head over the wall asking for the reason for the combat. 
              • The party was trying to make conversation with the wizard, who had necromantic markings on his body and robes. A history check indicated the red wizard was from Thay and the marking hinted towards necrotic magic. 
              • Jebus and Verminaard, anticipating an attack, decided to shoot at the wizard - starting combat with him and the undead hoard.
              • After a round of combat, the wizard was knocked down, but not before ~18 zombies, ~10 skeletons and 2 zombie orges attacked.

            Session 21 - Back to The Obsidian Tower - 12 Mar 23


            • PCs had the rest of the castle to explore and look for the missing dwarf.
            • Early in the AM, Snip and Rolan heard some noise coming from the NE forest area - sounds of a large group of things walking
              • Woke the party up; Fysi and Bez sent their owl and psudodragon to scout - saw a dozen Hobgoblins coming towards tower.
              • Party gathered things and left before they arrived. Rolan left caltrops by door to slow down group just encase.
            • Group left and head towards Phandlin; came across a train of wagons heading west. Convinced Merchants to give a ride back to Phandelin.
              • Once arrived, Party was paid 500g for clearing castle and another 25g each for rescuing Craglin.
              • Bez got note from tower to return - found news on missing sister.
              • Thena wondered thru town and found a farmer/ orchard owner - He told her about a story of a group of prospectors that were working in the hills and were scared of some undead around the Old Owl Well area - which use to be a magical tower.
            • Group rested at inn and left in the morning to return back to the tower.
            • LEVEL 4 (3 days)
              • Bez and Snip left to investigate the rumors of his missing sister.
              • Redwood , a druid from unknown regions and member of the Harpers, arrived to rejoin group
              • Doc Northwood, a Harper and user of the blackpowder, arrived to join group
              • Several PCs did some research and worked on stuff
                • Created spell scrolls, new armor, spent coin on items and equipment
            • Preparing to leave on Thursday AM

            Session 20 - Back to Cragmaw Castle - 26 Feb 23


            • Players were sent back from Wintermas and landed exactly 1 second later in location in castle, but with full health and a few items which made it back
              • Horn of Wintermas (Thena)
              • Elven Boots (Rolan)
              • Universal Tool (Jubus)
            • Party then continued to explore the castle and found the last area
              • Fysi sent Owl to scout and looked in the window from outside
              • Saw Figures hiding in the dark behind a table
            • Party opened the door - Orcs and Leader attacked
              • Battle Ensued. Leader was wounded and went into hiding
              • Verminaard was dropped, but not totally killed.
              • Eventually party forced the door open and defeated the Hobgoblin King.
            • Party healed up since it was night time. [LR]
              • Dwarf Gundren was revived
              • Found 220 sp, 160 ep, five potions of healing, and Gundren’s map to Wave Echo Cave.
              • Told party about a 'black elf' visiting the day before w/ the 'King'.
                • They were negotiating a price for the map and dwarf.
              • Upon returning to Phandalin, Gundren offers the characters 25 gp each for their assistance.
              • Told party about the location of the Wave Echo Cave and its importance.
                • Offered the party 10% of income from cave if they can help clear it out and find his two brothers.
                  • Can keep any loose treasures they find in cave as long its not for the usage of the caves magical properties.
              • He knows that someone called the Black Spider orchestrated his capture and hopes that the characters stop the villain.  

            Session 18/19 - Welcome to the North Pole - DEC 18/ Jan 8 23


            • After getting pulled thru the Wintermas chest, the party was dropped into a winter storm with limited visibility
              • Each round the players took 1-2 hpts damage
            • Eventually the party found a cabin and entered
              • Inside was Gimble, an green goblin, who greeted the players and gave them a name tag.
              • The next room was a grand room, with a table covered with food and drink, Wintermas tree in the middle with gifts and an larger Green goblin in the corner
            • Players got gifts
              • Santa had a gift for each person
            • Santa explained that the party was invited to come here to help save Wintermas; Krampus took over the HQ and is trying to mindcontrol the elves into making evil toys
              • players were given a globe to take them back here when they defeated Krampus
            • Players went to check a route; found Freezy the snowman
              • BAttle ensued with some evil snowmen and won
            • After the battle, players went thru the cave and were chased by reindeer, or now called Paindeer...
              • Cave collapsed behind them and just made it thru.
            • Village:
              • The party solved cookie puzzle and portal
              • Found Mr Grench - was in jail and wanted players to kill Santa for taking his village members hostage and made them make toys
            • Eventually the found Wintermas HQ thru the portal where the real Santa was at
              • Krampus was disguised as Santa at the lodge and tricked the players to finding the HQ; Santa put up a magic protection barrier to the location to prevent Krampus from finding he used the party to locate it and the globe to home into and teleport to them..
              • Krampus then Portaled to location to kill santa
                • BAttle ensured w Krampus and the paindeer he brought with him..
            • PLayers went back to house w real santa, then portal back home.

            Session 17 - What's that noise!! -20 Nov 22


            • The Pcs continued explore the castle and decided to head towards the southern tower
            • The party then decided to explore the doors behond them to ensure there were no other orcs or goblins behind them.
              • The found a large room that looked like it was used as a church.
              • As they went thru the room, above them lurked 2 Kricks that were guarding the area
              • Battle Ensued...killing the two monsters
              • Exploring the room, Jebus found a golden statue in the water fountain under some coal.
            • The next area in the castle found an alter; as the party went to invesitage, 6 goblins were hiding under the rubble
              • Another Battle ensued killing the goblins
            • The party then went into towards t he SE corner of the castle
              • There was a large door with a barricade over the large door to the S.
              • After Snip listened to the door and heard a moaning sound, they strarted to lift up the wood blocking the door.
              • As Vermin and Snip lifted the bar, an Owlbear crashed out knocking over Vermin
                • Battle ensued, but Rolan noticed the Owlbear was hungry and threw food.
                • As the creature ate the food, More party members also threw food to make a trail towards the rear door.
                • They were able to send the owlbear back to the wild, but not before Rolan tried to ride it out.
            • After the owlbear left, the party searched the tower and found a few items and 2 chests
              • Once chest had money and some magic scrolls
              • The other chest was oddly colored red and green
                • Inside was a crystal candy cane with gold stripes.
            • Once Jax touched the cane, a thunderous ROAR boomed thru the tower as a howling wind stormed into the area, picking everyone up and sucking the whole party into the chest...
              • A winterous howl and snow was last seen as the players heard a 'Ho ho ho..' laugh in thier heads as they fell into a winter storm falling down...

            Session 15 - Battle at Cragmaw Castle - 9 OCT 22


            • The PCs decided to sneak their way into the castle after a nights rest.
              • Rolan and Jax went to approach the side door, when Jax stepped on a twig and alerted guards inside the S Wall
              • As part of the group went to head towards that door, another part of the group went towards the main entrance
            • The main entrance was already on alert when part of the party approached
              • The guards on both towers were already on watch when Vermin approached.
                • 3 goblins in each tower started firing down
                • The other goblins inside met up with the party
            • Meanwhile, the door was just too much for the rogue to pick the lock
              • the group decided to abandon  the side door and made their way to the main entrance
              • it took 3 or so rounds to make their way over
            • At the front the main fight continued.
              • More hobgoblins arrived just as the other party came up
              • Several of the party members started to get dropped
            • Eventually, the main area was cleared out of goblins and hobgoblins dropped.

            Session 16 - Exploring the Castle - 23 OCT 22


            • Once the main  entrance of the castle was cleared, the party tied up the bigger chef (Named Yegg) and asked him questions
              • The party asked the number of others here - the answer was around 30-40, depending on the day.
              • Asked about the location of the dwarf - Yegg told them he was in the southern tower.
              • Asked about who was in charge - it was King Groll
            • The party then left him tied up in the corner and continued east
              • They found a few areas that had curtains and castle in various states of ruin.
            • The party then was deciding which direction to go after taking a short rest in the kitchen.

            Session 14 - Nighttime at Dirty ol Dwarf - 25 Sep 22


            • The players wanted to followed the sinister six
              • Rolan went in disguise up to the second floor and found the 4 male party members
              • They tied him up and asked some questions
              • After they let him go
            • The party then went to the temple to ask for help
              • the Hold gave Bex to help
            • The rest of the party then noticed a disturbance in the bar
              • The back door was opened
              • After a search, nothing was found
              • Rolan posted on a roof over the front gate and after a few hours saw the party leave town
            • The next day everyone left to continue towards the location of Cragmaw Castle
              • They found a trail into the woods
            • The party ran into some Orcs guarding the trail
              • one got away and left a blood trail,which the party followed
              • it was heading back towards the direction of the Castle
            • After a few hours, they started to see signs of the Castle and decided to stop to investigate
            New NPCs met:
            • None
            New Places visited:
            • none

            Session 13 - Helms Hold - 28 Aug 22


            • It has been 19 game days since the first meeting in Neverwinter.
            • After a long rest, the next day, party decided to head towards the location the Druid set on the map for Cragmaw Castle.
            • Later that day, Found the small city or Helm's Hold, a walled town with a large tower which can be seen for miles - Helms Hold (God HELM).
            • Reidoth told party he would meet them at Stonetavern Inn in a week to take them to the Wave Echo Cave.
            • Party entered town and made way to Stables (2sp/night for horse)
            • INNs:
              • Hungary Flame - Middle/upper class Inn/tavern. 1gp/night. 6 rooms
                • Ran by Sylfir (M Elf) ('excuse me..")
                  • Fysi and Thena got last two rooms
              • Dirty Ol Dwarf - Common Tavern and Inn
                • Rest of the Party got rooms (6sp/night)
                • Ran by Kharissa Anuvier
                  • Whop/Hammer/Axe/Beef are help
            • Party then set off to explore the town
              • Found Marketplace
                • Found various venders/traveling sales wagons; one with a magical tent
                  • "Curious & Wonderous Things of Faerun"
                    • Tent moves town to town on a daily basis
              • Found Armor-smith, Boyer and Weapon-smith
                • Jebus, Rolen and Jax
              • Found the Helms Hold
                • Bez and Snip
                • Talked w paladins there
                  • Bez gave hammer and 150g to make a blessed weapon
                    • sir percivil; brother sodir
              • Thena and Fysi had dinner at Hungary Flame
                • Met with Merchant (Kidor Kursik- Magic n Things) and discussed some various topics
              • After 6, party met up at the Dirty Ol Dwarf
                • Snip noticed someone at an adjacent table
                • Jebus and Jax went to try and gamble up money with magic items
                • Was politely turned down
              • PCs were finishing up dinner when we adjourned
            NPCs met:
            • Reidoth (Human Druid) is a gaunt, white-bearded human who doesn’t use two words when one word will do
            • Townfolk of Helms Hold
            Places visited:
            • South Tower
            • Thundertree (Old Town)
            • Helms Hold
              • Hungary Flame
              • Dirty Ol Dwarf
              • Helms Hold Cathedral
              • Merchant district
              • Weapon Shop

            Session 12- The Green Dragon - 14 Aug 22


            • It's been 18 days since the group first met outside the Iron Flaggon Inn....
            • The group found the druid  Reidoth in a well kept house in the old town of Thundertree.
              • Discussion was had in that he was here to warn travelers to stay away while he tends to the forest to the East.
              • A green dragon moved into the tower 2-3 weeks ago and seemed to have made a home there.
              • Also, a group of cloaked men is on the East side of town moved in a week ago, possibly treasure hunters.
              • He knows the location of the Cragmaw Castle in the forest and can mark it on a map for the players.
              • HE can help the players get to the Wave Echo Cave, but only if they remove the dragon from the tower.

            • The players then decided to approach the masked men in the East of town
              • Rolan met up with the Cloaked men; turns out they are dragon hunters (Favrik)
              • agreed and Rolan discussed its intentions and turns out they both agreed to attack the dragon and split the loot in the AM since the green dragon liked to hunt in the night time.
            • The party then discussed this with Reidoth and came to terms
            • In the AM, both parties met up and discussed a strategy to try and flush out the dragon from the tower.
              • Unfortunately for the party, the dragon also heard this conversation and hid in the rafters of the tower
            • Both parties sent three members into the tower
              • Verm Thena and Rolan went in.
            • Once inside, the dragon attacked
              • During the fight, Favrik went in to negotiate with the green dragon
                • Unknown to the party, the true intent was to serve the dragon, but unfortunately for him, Rolan overhead the conversation and quickly killed him with an arrow thru the head
                • Thena challenged the dragon to a dual, forcing him to come down to ground level.
                  • the fight continued with the dragon on the ground..
                • After a second breath attack, the party was in dire straits, but a few final hits forced the dragon out of its home...but not before a few final words from the dragon...
            • Once gone, the remaining Dragon Cultist decided to pack up and leave the area, telling the party they would never see them again...
            • The party then looted the tower and found 800 sp, 180 gp, eight silver goblets set with moonstones (60 gp each), a scroll of misty step, and a scroll of lightning bolt.
            • Snip found a sword [+1] with an inset blue moonstone in the hilt
              • The sword glows moonlight for 10' radius when revealed
              • On a 19/20 hit, does an additional 1D6 lightning damage.
            • The group then took a short rest to heal and recover from the fight before deciding what to do next....
            NPCs met:
            • Dragon Cultist and leader, Favrik
            • Reidoth (Human Druid) is a gaunt, white-bearded human who doesn’t use two words when one word will do
            Places visited:
            • South Tower
            • Thundertree (Old Town)

            Session 11 - Level Up! 31 July 22


            • After the group went back to the Inn, it was decided to head back to the tower to train up to Level 3 and get specialties.
            • During the third day, a message came thru informing the characters there was an old tower due East of the tower - There was reports of a Druid Reidoth in the town of Thundertree; It was reported this druid might know the location of the Castle or Caves, or both.
              • In addition to this, Thena had received info from one of the townsfolk (Qelline) that there is a missing family Heirloom in the town in the herb shop. [gold necklace].
            • The Party decided to try and investigate the old town to see if they could find this druid and get info as to the location of the caves or castle.
            • After a short mid-day journey, they came across two ogres arguing over a log.
              • The party convinced the ogres to share and part ways.
            • A short time later, they approached the old town, now covered with plants and ash/wood. The party did see warning sign claiming the presence of zombies and plant monsters inside.
            • A few short fights with the plant blights, the party cleared out the old tavern of zombies, then proceeded to the tower in the N part of town
            • Scorch investigated the tower back to Bez and was decided to look elsewhere.
            • Rolan was then surprised with 1 of 3 spiders hiding under the grass and the middle buildings.
            • Once clear, the party continued S/SW towards another set of walls and what seemed to be a building with a solid roof and walls.
            NPCs met:
            • No one new
            Places visited:
            • Tower
            • Phandelin Stonehill Inn
            • Thundertree (Old Town)

            Session 10 - Cleaning the Tresendar Manor - 17 Jul 22


            • After the main group entered the lab, Thena and Snip were catching up to the group when they heard a noise behind them to see a cloaked figure looking back at them..... He was a bearded Wizard with white robes and a large staff with a dark blue crystal at the top
              • Battle ensued- Snip and Thena attacked, but right after the wizard jumped away, Vermin and Bez attacked him from ranged and killed him before he could get away.
              • A quick search found a potion and the staff and a pouch of gold.
            • The lab had some workings of formulas of an invisibility potion and the room had a letter and some pages from a history book torn out.
              • The handouts have more info, but discuss the Wave Echo Cave and the letter talks about looking for a dwarf and info to capture him.
            • After clearing the rooms out, the party then entered the next room to find 4 guards drinking and gambling. The party tricked them into thinking they were new and joined the group. They then rigged the game to their favor only to have the guards get knocked out from the Serpent Poison Ale from Neverwinter.
            • The last room had 5 Bugbears and a small goblin; battle ensued to have the last Bugbear surrender and the golbin go hide under the bed.
              • The Bugbear (Warf) told the party he could help the party find the location of the cave in exchange for his freedom and the party agreed.
              • The goblin ( ) told the party he was 'very helpful' and could help find and get things for the group.
            • The party then left the basement hideout and went back to the inn
            • Slidar paid the group and told them they could keep the bugbear in the jail till they returned.
            • The Party then left back to the tower to train and learn new spells, etc.
              • aka Level 3
            NPCs met:
            • Wizard - Glassstaff/ Larno - killed
            Places visited:
            • Tresendar manor basement
            • Town Inn

            Session 9 - The Depths of Tresendar Manor - 19 June 22


            • After healing up a bit from the pit trap, the PCs pressed on and discovered the next room was inhabited by 3 skeleton warriors and a skeleton Minotaur.
              • Once the skeletons realized the PCs did not have white sashes on their belts, they attacked.
            • After the fight and some minor healing, the players continued and found a jail cell guarded by 2 white sashes, which were dispatched quickly.
              • Inside the jail there was a woman and her two kids.
              • She told the group they were the woodcarvers family and were captured last week from the white sashes after her husband told them to go away.
              • All they know is that the boss is a wizard (though they haven’t met him and don’t know his name), and that he has “tall, furry monsters with big ears” as help.
            • The party found a weapons locker also, but only took a few items to replace a few things, but left the extra sashes inside.
            • Thena and Snip escorted the family out of the basement (back to Townmasters office) while the rest of the group continued on.
                • Thena was given some information from Mirna.
            • While the two left, the rest continued on and found a cave in the middle area of the basement.
              • There were voices echoing thru everyone's head and asking for 'fresh meats..'
              • The party made a deal with the creatures: free passage thru the area and some info for dead bodies, which they agreed to.
            • The party went into the NW corridor down stairs and found a wizards lab:
              • a large worktable set up with alembics, retorts, distillation coils, and other alchemist devices, all of it stewing and bubbling away. Bookshelves are crowded with sheaves of parchment and strange-looking tomes.
              • A rat was begging for food and hiding under the cabinets.
              • There are numerous books and potion recipes on the table and wall (arcana check)
            • While the main group was entering the lab, Thena and Snip were catching up to the group when they heard a noise behind them to see a cloaked figure looking back at them.....

            NPCs met:
            • Mirna Dendrar and her two teenage children, thirteen-year-old Nars and eighteen-year-old Nilsa.
            • Mysterious monsters in the cave (clicking sounds)
            Places visited:
            • Tresendar manor basement

            Session 8 - Investigate the Tresendar Manor - 5 June 22


            • Players integrated the three goblins
              • Discovered that the dwarf was taken to the Cragmaw castle *
            • The team then used the goblins to assemble the wagons and reload the stolen goods into two wagons
            • After a full day of travel, the team made its way late into the town of Phandelin.
              • Got paid 150gp for the two deliveries
            • The group then discussed its next quest to undertake and decided to go after the whitesashes that are assumed to be hiding under the abandoned manor
            • Took a long rest at the inn, woke at 4am and went to the manor; snuck in and battled 8 whitesashes.
              • Took short rest
            • Searched the room and went into a hallway, where they found a trap- a 20 foot pit trap.
              • After rescuing Vermin, they approached a double door while healing up.

            NPCs Met:
            • No one new

            Places visited
            • Tresendar Manor

            Session 7- Clear the Cave - 8 May 22

             Start/Highlights: (4 hours gametime)

            • After a quick discussion, the party decided to take a short rest
              • Goblins tried to convince the party to go the other way
            • 1hr later, the party went towards the goblis closest and found a Bug bear leader, 4 goblins and his pet Owlbear.
              • Battle ensued, which almost killed Thena and Rolan.
                • Thena used a spell to make the Owlbear become fearful vs her and gave the party a chance to take it out.
              • The leader escaped almost dead, down towards the inner cave to the rest of the goblins.
              • Victorious, the party healed and found the missing cargo from the Lionshield Coaster and misc items labled for Phandelin.
            • Low on spells and health, the party pushed forward, hoping to find the missing Dwarf and Human.
            • They found the sleeping area of the goblins and the missing human, as well as a larger goblin which just killed its leader.
              • After a failed negotiation, battle ensued, during which 3 goblins were put to sleep.
            • Victorious, the party found and stabilized Sildar Hallwinter and tied up the goblins before they came to.

            NPCs Met:
            • Sildar Hallwinter - human male of nearly fifty years who holds a place of honor in the famous griffon cavalry of the great city of Waterdeep. He is an agent of the Lords’ Alliance

            Places visited
            • Cragmaw Cave Hideout.

            Session 6- Into the Cave... 24 Apr 22



            • After traveling overland and resting, the party picked up the trail the next day, now a day later, up the stream and into the hillside area. They noticed drag marks, presumably from the missing dwarf and human, along with small feet tracks and some other assorted animal tracks.
            • Upon arrival at the base of the stream into the hillside (3 miles), 3 lookouts were killed before they could run in and raise the alarm.
            • Into the cave, the party found a make-shift kennel with 4 wolves chained to the wall, still hungry and restless from a lack of food. The party decided to kill the wolves of fear of raising the alarm.
            • More exploring found a bridge overlooking the stream, of which a lookout noticed the party, told the others in another part of the cave to release the flood.
              • This released a wall of water washing away Vermin, but only after the others made it to safety in different parts of the cave.
            • Those that jumped up the cliff-side and bridge area, Jebus Roland and Jax, ran into some goblins on the upper area and chased them into the next room, of which ambushed the heroes and almost killed Rolan and Jax. A fight ensued and the last 2 goblins ran away into the darkness after loosing two of their comrades. Fysy decided to blow the whistle to help find the party....
            • The rest of the party made it way up to the top and are debating what to do....

            NPCs Met:
            • None

            Places visited:
            • Cave in Hills

            Session 5- Phandalin Needs Help - 10 Apr 22

            • PHANDALIN:
            • Thena and Fysi talked with ladies at the Inn/ bar:
              • Else - told party about how the white sashes were giving the townfolk merchants a hard time.
              • Trilena - told party about the woodcarver and how he disappeared after he tried to stand up to the 'protection fee' the white sashes were collecting from the town folk show owners
            • Next am at the Inn:
              • Elmar met with party - told them about the owner of the Lionshield (Linene) might have a job for locating her missing shipments
            • Party Split up:
              • Thena and Snip went to the Shrine of Luck:
                • Talked with Sister Garaele: She gave you the silver jeweled comb and asked them to go Mausoleum to the NE of town (2 days)
                  • QUEST: Wanted them to ask the banshee named Agetha about a spell-book which belonged to a mage named Bowgentile and its location.
                  • Would offer 5 potions of healing in exchange for the information.
              • Bez, Vermin, Jebus and Fysi
                • Went to the Mining Exchange:
                  • Talked w/ Halia - Told party about White sashes and collecting protection fees, but she kicked them out, but they did take the town record and exchange books.
                    • QUEST: Wanted party to Eliminate Glassstaff (WS leader) and retrieve the books; would pay 120g.
                • Went to Lionshield Coaster:
                  • Talked w/ Linene - Told about white sashes and collecting fees.
                    • QUEST: Would give a reward if they could find the missing LC shipments and return them to her for 100g.
                • Went to Townmaster Hall:
                  • Talked w/ Harbin - Thinks Whitesashes are another Merc group not doing harm in town; just looking for work. HE offered the Orc problem to them but they declined.
                    • QUEST: Wants to hire PCs to investigate Orc trouble East on Triboar Trail near Wyrven Tor for 150g.
              • Jax and Rolan
                • Went to look around
                • Found Alderleaf Farm -
                  • Talked w/ Carp - told them about mystery tunnel and was chased out by White sashes
                  • Talked w/ Qelline - offered PCs to stay in Loft for a donation if they didnt like the Inn.
                • Investigated the Manor on the hill
                  • Found celler entrance
                  • Snuck inside to checkout the area; found barrels of food and supplies, but was confronted by 4 whitesashes
                    • bluffed their way out and told them they were just looking for a place to stay.
              • Party Regrouped at Inn for lunch
                • Discussed options and info; decided to go look for Gundren and Slidar at the ambush site to see if they could track the goblins down and rescue them.
                • Left on foot to the ambush cross country and ran into 2 Ogres
                  • Battle ensued and killed the ogres.
                • Made it to the site at sundown.

            NPCs Met:
            • Linene F human - @ lionshield (armor and weapons)
            • Halia F human - @ Mining Exchange
            • Quelline F Halfling - @ farm
            • Sister Garaele F Elf @ shrine
            • Harbin M Human @ Townmaster hall
            • Trilena F Human @ Stonehill Inn

            Places visited
            • Stonehill Inn
            • Trading Post
            • Mining Exchange
            • Farm
            • Townmaster Hall
            • Abandoned Mansion

            Session 4- Wagons to Phandalin - 27 Mar 22


            • Group advanced to LEVEL 2 after two days of rest and training.
            • Group was Hired to take 2 wagons of mining equipment to Phandalin and meet up with Gundren. Get paid 20 g each total.
              • Harpers wanted to keep an eye on the events going on; rumor of an ancient power was discovered and want to make sure it doesnt fall into evil hands if it turns out to be something important
            • Day 3- uneventful; Day 3 evening - two riders were looking for an escaped convict (1/2 orc M fighter)
            • Day 4- Was attacked/ ambushed by Goblin bandits early evening
              • 5 bowmen; 3 wolf riders - 3 goblins got away.
            • Group decided to continue to town and get the wagons off the road before it got too dark.
            • Made it to Phandalin; turned in the wagons for payment and went to the Inn to get a room
              • Inn had 10 rooms available; got meals and turned in for the night
              • All Males went to bed; Fysi and Thena went back downstairs to get a drink and talk to locals

            NPCs Met:
            • Tower Staff
              • listed on sheet
            • Gundren Rockseeker -Dwarf Mining expert- hired the group to take supplies to town
            • Sildar Hallwinter,human male of nearly fifty years (Agent of the Lords’ Alliance); escort for Gundren
            • Townspeople:
              • Toblen Stonehill: Innkeeper
              • Elmar Barthen: Owns the trading post;
              • Elsa, a gossipy barmaid

            Places visited
            • Tower
            • Phandalin
              • Inn
              • Mining Store

            Session 3 - Clearin the Tower - 13 March 22


            • After clearing out the second floor of the tower, the group decided to take a long rest inside the tower
            • Afterwards, The party then went to the third floor and found the alchemy room
              • Battled 5 sturges in the plants
            • After investigating a suit of armor, the party then opened the two doors to the wizards main chamber
              • Once Thena took the wizards hat, the trap was sprung
              • Battled two animated armor suits and outside door was shut magically
              • The party found the tiara inside a locked box
              • They noticed the last set of doors was marked with a warning of the guardian(s) inside.
            • The party then left the building only to find a male in chain armor Norin, and some others outside, who approached the group and made an offer - To join the Harpers.
            • They discussed joining the Harpers group and agreed to its terms
              • BENEFIT TO HARPERS:
                • Party to take on missions of importance over personnel goals with Harper intentions to bear.
                • Take over expenses of the tower with goal of potential expansion of business to add profits to Harper common wealth.
              • BENEFIT TO PARTY:
                • Gain benefits from expertise and other professions as needed
                • Gain access to knowledge and information as needed
                • Provide home base for party to work out of.

            NPCs/PCs Met:
            • Norvin Marsk - Harper Captain of Sword coast [NPC]
            • Verminaard/Freds new dwarf

            Places visited
            • Cleared tower

            Session 2 - Whats up this tower ? 27 Feb 22



            • Kelvar lead the group out of the city of Neverwinter and to a dark wizards tower about 2 miles S of the city along the coastline. He explained a buyer wanted the tower, but needed the players to get those items out. Anything else inside they could keep as payment, plus some small fee.
            • After a strange entrance way - whispering 'Whats the Password..' the party entered the tower
            • The group found a dining room and kitchen (with a couple of large Rats eating old food)
            • Searched library bookcases, Jebus found 4 magic books (20gp each)
            • they then found secret Door behind the book case
              • Investigated the stairs down and found the sliding step trap
              • Found the Armory and 2 rust monsters inside
                • Found Dagger +1
                • Shield +1
                • Mithril Chain Shirt +1
              • Found treasure room
                • Mirror Puzzle with two hidden chests
                • Found 27gp each
                • Silver Sword for Kelvar
                • Cloak of Protection - Jebus
                • Ring - undetermined, but later was found to be a Ring of Jumping
            • The party then went to second floor
              • Battled 2 SHADOWS after entering the hallway
              • Discovered guest bedroom
                • 2 beds and dresser
              • 2 grey oozes attacked from bathroom
              • Discovered master bedroom
                • Psudodragon found inside, hiding and befriended the party. 
            • The party then decided to go outside to rest and clear the tower in the morning...

            NPCs Met:
            • None

            Places visited
            • Nothing new

            Session 1 - The Adventure Begins...16 Jan 22


            • Players were created
              • Nicole - Half-Elf Paladin (F) - Thena
              • Gabe - Gnome Artificer (M) - Jebus
              • Joe T - Elven Monk (M) - 
              • Mike - Half-Elf Rogue (M) - Jax
              • Brian - Dwarf Cleric (M) - Bez
              • Kevin - Elven Ranger (M) - Rolan
            • The players had all entered the city of Neverwinter in looks for new work, searching for some family or just pure bordom..
            • A Cart ran into a tavern as the players all witnessed several crates crashing to the ground, sending magic weapons out and attacking the PCs
            • After the fight, the players went in to have a drink inside.
            • After a round, the group met w/ Kelvar, a one-armed older man. He wanted to hire the PCs to help clear tower and get items for him; he was impressed with their work and needed help looking for a Tiera and a Silver Sword in the tower.
            • To check up on what Kelvar was doing, the players then snuck onto HAWK- merch ship going to Waterdeep; it was found to be accurate.
            • The players agreed and went with him..

            NPCs met:
            • Lyranna [Lir-Anna] - owner of Iron Flagon Inn
              • Has contacts to Harpers using bar and message for "Mr Windwood" w/ room #
            • Vulgar Ironhammer - owner of Shinning Arms and Armor
              • Irish dwarf
            • Bruno and Joey Buttafinger - owner of fishmongers/ front for Thieves guild in Neverwinter
              • NYC goblins 
            • Velmen - Dockmaster at Neverwinter

            Places visited:
            • Iron Flaggon Inn
            • Fishmongers Inc
            • Temple for Tyr
            • Docks of Neverwinter

            Session 30 - The Battle vs The Black Spider

            The group refomed after defeating the bugbears in the cave and met outside the double doors. Fysi , using her mage hand, would open the door...